
Elsa McMakin, M.A

Affiliate Coach

Forged in the red-clay dirt of the Southeastern US, Elsa McMakin holds advanced degrees in Anthropology with a specialization in Archaeology. Traipsing through miles of cotton and sugar cane fields, forests, and swamplands, she honed her psychological and physical toughness under the rigors of scientific fieldwork. She studied the ancients through their material culture; Indian mounds, battlefields, and shipwrecks reveal astonishing truths pertaining to the human condition. In 2008 she co-founded Foxfire Geophysics; an innovative archaeological remote-sensing firm that was soon hired to investigate Thomas Jefferson's summer home in Virginia. 

Fascinated by the intersection of science, anthropology and the mind, for the last fifteen years she studied and practiced the spiritual principals of truth and the pathway to Enlightenment, deepening her practice of incrementally letting go of the Ego. Through applied research and one-on-one clinical work she developed a deep understanding of how the Human Ego operates and how it may be softened via a time-tested kinesiology technique rooted in muscle testing. Though the truths uncovered may be difficult to face, her clients are living better lives simply by investigating and letting go of negative beliefs and false identities holding them back.

With powerful skills of observation, intuition, and a deeper than normal understanding of the human ego, Elsa brings a tough but compassionate approach to coaching. She especially loves teamwork and the sense of camaraderie that comes along with great people in pursuit of a common goal.