Remembering MindKindness
Where: Join us on Zoom at
Additional info: Please join our MindKindness Fellowship Group for weekly updates related to MindKindness: WhatsApp, Facebook, Zalo, WeChat for weekly updates.
How to Prepare
Preparing your personal space: Please find a comfortable, non-disruptive and safe space for you to practice. Having a cup of water or tea available may provide extra comforts.
Technology: Please join with a stable wifi or network connection. You can use your phone or computer. Having a clear headset will be helpful for you to listen to the instructions and conversations.
Joining the Zoom call: Please keep your video on during the checking in process so we all can learn your name and face.
Be On Time: We encourage you to join the call a few minutes prior to the session to settle into yourself. We will close the meeting room 5 minutes after it starts to ensure we can start on time together without any distractions throughout the session.
Ground Rules
Confidentiality - I understand the need for a safe and courageous learning environment. I will keep what I hear from others during the fellowship in confidence and will not share other people’s experience without their permission.
Respect and Kind: I understand that the Remembering MindKindness session not intended as a therapy or coaching session. My role is not to advise or solve other people’s problems during the conversation. I only need to listen with care and share with honesty at my own comfort level.
Showing Up and Being Present: I will show up on time and share my presence to the best of my ability.