MindKindness Global Practice

Meeting ID: 869 7818 4106
Passcode: MindKind
* Please use Capital M and K for the passcode

  • When: We will have weekly sessions to accommodate various time zones. You are welcome to join us for any or all of these sessions.

Sunday 7 PM ET (7 AM Monday Beijing, Singapore, Bali / 6 AM Vietnam)

Monday 7 AM ET (7 PM Monday in Beijing, Singapore, Bali / 6 PM Vietnam)


How to Prepare

  • Preparing your personal space: Our intention is that this experience be replenishing for all. If possible, find a comfortable, uninterrupted and safe space for you to practice. Having a cup of water or tea available may provide extra comforts.

  • Joining the Zoom call: We request that you join us 3 minutes prior to the session to settle in. This will also help ensure that we can start on time together.