The Eight Petals of MindKindness
Innate Capabilities for Living, Leading, and Thriving.
Introduction to MindKindness - Internal Weather
This is introduction to the eight petal practices of MindKindness for Living, Leading, and Thriving. The first petal is “Internal Weather”, the ability to feel our emotions and bodily sensations.
Choosing the Attitude and Intention
Who am I choosing to be? What attitude would I like to have?
How am I Experiencing this breath? What is it like to be fully alive?
Who or what am I feeling grateful for?
What am I curious about? what questions do I have at this moment?
I have enough. I do enough. I am enough
May I be happy. May you be happy. May all beings be happy.
Letting Go
Allowing everything to be as it is. No forcing and no holding back.
Overview of MindKindness
Why is it important and how do we practice it?